
Rest in one of the most basic healers known to man.

When we become sick, the first thing we normally do is lie down. Lack of adequate rest because lead very busy and over taxing lifestyles can cause us to become sick. We do not need to sleep in order to rest. Just a change of pace doing something different can bring rest to our mind and body. Different muscles are used, different things are considered and we begin to relax.


During a day of work and activity, toxins build up in our system, which cannot immediately be thrown off. These toxins produce fatigue, and are relieved by sleep. It is good to go to bed early, retiring at a regular time each night and on an empty stomach. During the deepest part of sleep (9pm - 2am), the greatest amount of growth hormones are produced for body repair, protein synthesis and brain collation. The pineal gland, situated deep within the brain, releases four hormones: Epithalamin: A protein thought to increase learning and slow down ageing. Seratonin: Also known as the '"Feel good hormone", elevates mood and has an influence on sleep and pain. Arginine Vasotocin: A potent protein capable of rapidly inducing deep sleep. Melatonin: The fix and rejuvenate, night-time hormone.

A weekly rest is also vital for physical and spiritual betterment. We have six days to do all our work, the seventh day has been set aside for spiritual rest, so we can come closer to our Creator. "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy. Six days shalt thou labour and do all thy work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God." Exodus 20:8-10. He has promised "Come unto me, all that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give your rest." Matthew 11:28. It is God's gift to us.


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