
Quality nutrition comes from whole plant foods, which are cholesterol-free and have the right balance of nutrients and natural fibre. Eating largely grains, breads, fruits and vegetables, and sparingly of nuts and other concentrated foods is a wise choice.


We should be careful not to have a great variety at any one meal, for this encourages overeating and causes indigestion. Fruits and vegetables eaten together can cause digestion problems; eat them at separate meals.

Our bodies are better able to digest food in the morning than in the evening. Breakfast should be the largest meal. A good breakfast will reduce the desire to snack between meals. Eating between meals will interrupt the digestion of the previous meal, causing the meal to ferment. For best digestion, meals should be regular and spaced 5 hours apart giving the stomach time to rest. The last meal should be the smallest, and eaten several hours before bedtime. This will enable you to sleep more soundly while the body is repairing and revitalizing itself so you awaken refreshed the next day. If food is still in the stomach at bedtime, you will tend to have a restless night's sleep.


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